9:00 AM Prayer in Library
9:30 AM Sunday School–All Ages
10:45 AM Sunday Morning
Worship & LiveStream
Choir is a great way to share your music talents for the glory of God. Choir meets Thursday evenings for rehearsals. There are also opportunities to share your musical talents through special music. If you are interested in any of these please contact Randall Curtis, Director of Music Ministries.
You can volunteer to run the sound board on a Sunday morning. There is also opportunity to run the livestream camera. There are ways to serve behind the scenes on a Sunday morning. Please contact Rev. Ben Claypool if you are interested in volunteering.
There are ways to serve on a Sunday. Help is always needed in the Nursery, Children’s message, and Flower Committee. If interested in helping out in any of these areas please contact the church office.
939 is a prayer partnership in which adults pray for youth of the church. 939 represents the number of Sundays a youth has from birth to 18 years old. If you are interested in becoming a partner please contact the church office.
There are youth events happening throughout the year. Youth events are for anyone from Preschool age to 12th grade. Permission slips can also be found by clicking the picture to the left.
VBS happens once a year, in the summer. It is a great time to connect with church and community folks. If you want to know more about the upcoming VBS click the picture to the left.
If you would like to help out please contact Rev. Ben Claypool, Director.